Duration 5:23

لغة إنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادى. براجراف عن أهمية التكنولوجيا فى حياتنا Technology in our life Bahrain

Published 9 Feb 2021

غة إنجليزية للصف الثالث الإعدادى . براجراف عن " أهمية التكنولوجيا فى حياتنا " " Technology in our life " Technology is everywhere nowadays. We all enjoy technology but in different ways . Now, we can travel from one place to another very easily, comfortably and fast. Modern means of transport are now supplied with all means of comfort. Space travel is now more possible than it used to be in the past. One day people may be able to enjoy space journeys. Technology has a lso played a role in medical care. Now the computer can be used to check people's health accurately. It is also used for teaching. Students can benefit from the internet in their researches as well . No doubt that technology has changed our life to the better.


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